Monday, January 28, 2013

Knowing a Super Star!

Hello everyone! I have to tell you about my first experience with a super star here in New York. At the end of my first week, my friend Emílio called me to see a mini-show in J&R store of a singer called Dawn Richards. I confess, I've never heard about her until that moment and I went to see her. So, we went to the store and I started to see her show and many fans were singing with her. I loved her style and her songs! So, I bought her cd and after her show I waited to talk to her. I was so happy because it would be the first time with a super star here in New York! I waited and after some minutes I was in front of her, saying my name, saying that I was from Brazil and she loved when I said to her that I was from Brazil. She was so nice and I loved to talk with her. She autographed my cd and I took some pictures with her. It was a great night that day and now, I'm a fan of her music! Thanks New York for this opportunity!

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