Saturday, February 2, 2013


        It was a busy week. We knew the Queens Campus and it was so cool to know how big it is. We had a Wine and cheese reception With special guests: Dr. Luiz Valcov Loureiro (Executive Director- Fulbright commission in Brazil) ; Sidney Jones(IIE); Carl de Angeli  (IIE).. At this moment Dr. Luíz was so attentive with us , he explained that he was responsible to send us to NYC and wants give this chance for the northeast, he reinforces a participation of anothers English teachers in this programme.

                                                               Rio Grande do Norte´s teachers And Dr. Luis Loureiro

 The classes was so useful and we have opportunities to make presentatioms at Dorothy´s classes, we improve our pronounce at Debbie´s classes and we created a WIKI.  We learnt idioms at Yvonne´s classes, she was so funny and incredible. We are so satisfied with all the teachers they are so competent. Yesterday we visited a international  high school, it serves foreign populations. We were beneath coordinattion of Dave Parker´s  teacher. I had a opportunity to watch a English class in USA, it was interesting to compares differences, we could find students that come from China, Peru, Equador, Brazil and I spoke with an arabian girl in english of course, it was incredible so much culture and diversity in thar school. It is so nice that the american govern worries about this and give this chance for immigrant students. 

Questions to foreign students - Above the last one at right is Carlos a brazilian student.  


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