Monday, February 4, 2013

       To learn a language is much more that the written symbol is to literally live the customs and its history. However the  orality is going to besides that their representation sintact. When pronouncing, we search to catch the idea that we want to express. It is in this search of the speech that we transform the citizen into the goal language.
       The measure that in inserting them in the context of one second language, we go acquiring marks, traces and ideological cultural of other, that is, the aculturation. We are living an only moment, where all are intergram in a globalized world, with diverse objectives to get. When we learn a language we have chances of job or scientific studies, which in them will become inserted in the competitive market of work and university.
         The acquisition of a foreign language requires ability cognitives to open windows of knowledge of knowing for an innate capacity of the decoding of the word. An acquired time will fortify the lexical field of the individual for briefing of the context, which wants to be inserted.
      In the learning of any language, always we leave of being what we are for being what we learn it. This loss doesn't mean exclude my culture, which I am part. In contrast we add more information, looking for the personal growth.
       With this the difficulties will exist the measure that we compare what it already exists, with the new. This perception will be able to help me. While the mother tongue will be understood in coherent way for the perception of the second language. Many of the times we must leave of side the mother tongue, to go deep acquisition of the foreign language, therefore its functionality well will be based when it has an important functionality for the individual's life. 
       The relationship with the new language must be natural and affectively well accepted in the context of the individual. This functionality will occur from the moment that it correlates with its interests. It is at this moment that its importance in learning is evident and for the changes that will occur.
       The society walks for an only world, exactly with the cultural differences where the growth will give in the evolution of the being the human being in interpreting the other. These differences always will exist, either in the dialect or the formation, however remaining the ideal of being an individual poliglota, with abilities to become a critic citizen in society.
       Any one can learn a language if the professor or one computer program to execute the activities. Because we have to transpor and to give to the person the knowledge the goal language.  We don't  have to give up in the difficulties and barriers the knowledge that we come across, all effort in them takes the results which we do not obtain to understand immediately, therefore there are some of short term and others of long period. Completing and giving felt the choices made, each one of them has its positive side and negative, when if I relate negatives are the positive losses to enter it materialize the objectives.
      The launched challenge is to awake in the individual the knowledge and thinking about the goal language, dialoguing the inserted uncertainties that one day will be tranformed in learnings and rewriting the world globalized. Giving opportunity to the individual in the diary actions, refleting in the image of profissionals in the knowledge of the modern conception. We are much more together!!!!!


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